đŸŽ„đŸŁ Movie Sushi — No Country For Old Men

6 min readOct 22, 2022


A deputy has Anton Chigurh in handcuffs. He lays Chigurh’s captive bolt pistol on the passenger seat. At the police station, Chigurh strangles him with ‘cuffed hands. On the floor afterwards, Chigurh sighs. There are hundreds of scratch marks on the floor from the dead cop’s flailing feet. Chigurh pulls someone over. Carrying the captive bolt pistol with him, he asks the man to please hold still. He fatally punches a hole in his forehead.

Llewelyn Moss spots a group of five pickup trucks. There are corpses everywhere: men and a dog. On the ground, there are dozens of shell-casings and guns. The one survivor asks in Spanish for water which Llewelyn doesn’t have. He then reveals stacks of suspicious brown packages. Llewelyn finds a corpse slumped against a tree and takes the man’s pistol. A nearby satchel contains $2m worth of hundred dollar bills in stacks of ten thousand.

That night, Llewelyn can’t sleep. He brings water for the thirsty man, but the man’s now dead. Men start chasing and shooting at Llewelyn. He’s shot in the shoulder. He jumps in a river, kills their angry dog and escapes.

The owner of a remote petrol station comments on Chigurh’s stolen car being from Dallas. Chigurh says it’s none of the man’s business. The man meant no offence. Chigurh’s infuriated. The man asks if there’s something wrong. Chigurh asks with what. The man asks with anything. Chigurh clarifies that the man’s asking him if there’s something wrong with anything.

The man says he must close. Chigurh asks when he closes. The man says at dark. Chigurh asks what time the man goes to bed. The man says around 9:30. Chigurh then establishes the man’s lived there his whole life.

He flips a coin, holds it to the counter and tells the man to call it. The man needs to know what he stands to win. Chigurh says everything. The man finally says heads. Chigurh lifts his fingers and says well done.

Later, Chigurh pries off the inspection plate from Llewelyn’s truck. Chigurh gets the receiver for the money. He stands up, demands back his torch and executes both associates.

Sheriff Ed Tom Bell recognises Llewelyn Moss’s truck. Deputy Wendell says the OK Corral is further up. A deal gone wrong. Wendell says the corpses near him seem to be managerial, indicating more than one fracas. Execution and Wild West — drug-related. The corpses near Wendell are swollen up, so that was earlier.

Llewelyn’s setting girlfriend, Carla Jean, off on a coach to Del Rio. He’ll call her in a couple of days, telling her not to worry so much. Llewelyn puts on his hat and reassures her he’ll return.

At Llewelyn’s trailer, Tom sees a round mark in the wall, from where the lock landed. They left quickly. Wendell wonders if Llewelyn understands what he’s up against. Tom says he should. Llewelyn’s seen what Tom’s seen and it’s certainly made an impression on Tom.

At the Regal Motor Hotel, Llewelyn finds an air duct near the ceiling, removes the grate, ties string to the handle of the satchel full of cash and pushes the satchel deep into it.

At a sporting goods shop, Llewelyn asks if they have a pair of Larry Mahans shoulder size eleven and some socks. He peels off his old socks from bloody feet and sprays them. After dark, Llewelyn sees an unusual car outside his room and postpones returning there.

He buys a twelve gauge shotgun and shells. Llewelyn’s soon sawing tent poles with a hacksaw and loading his shotgun. He also asks for another motel room.

Chigurh’s driving and his receiver starts beeping. Llewelyn assembles his modified tent poles. Chigurh pulls into Regal Motel. Llewelyn’s wrapping tape around the poles. Chigurh gets closer, making his receiver beep faster. Llewelyn snips coat hangers with pliers.

Chigurh’s choosing a room to rent. Llewelyn puts lots of hooks together on the end of tent poles. Chigurh walks into his room’s bathroom. Llewelyn unscrews the grate on the air duct. Chigurh removes his captive bolt pistol from its bag. Llewelyn can see his satchel in the air duct.

Chigurh blasts the lock of a door, then blasts the man inside, soon killing two more men. There’s nothing in the drawers. Nothing under the beds. Chigurh unscrews the air duct grate and notices fresh drag marks.

From an office, somebody confirms that Carson Wells knows Anton Chigurh by sight. He says they’re out a bunch of money and the other party is out their product. Chigurh killed three men in a Del Rio motel the previous day and two others in the colossal bloodbath in the desert. Carson’s given a bank card for expenses.

At another motel, Llewelyn finds a transponder hidden in the money. Nobody answers the phone. Llewelyn gets his shotgun. A shadow appears under the door, then it goes dark. The lock’s blown out and into Llewelyn’s stomach. He jumps out the window with the satchel. Chigurh fires again. Llewelyn runs into the street.

He commandeers a truck, but the driver’s shot through the windscreen. Llewelyn ducks, puts the car in drive and stamps on the accelerator. More shots pepper the windscreen with bullets. Llewelyn hides behind a parked car. He fires at Chigurh and takes his gun. Llewelyn drives to the Rio Grande.

Chigurh limps up to a car with a bullet wound in his leg. He sets fire to the fuel tank and approaches a pharmacy. The car explodes and Chigurh secures the medical supplies he needs. In his motel room, he stitches his wound using a hand mirror.

Carson Wells watches Llewelyn wake up. He says Chigurh has no sense of humour. It took Carson only three hours to find Llewelyn. He says if Llewelyn doesn’t give him the money, he has no other reason to protect him. Llewelyn says Chigurh ought to be worried about him. Even so, Llewelyn should call Carson when he’s had enough. Chigurh’s a peculiar man with principles that transcend money or drugs. Chigurh isn’t like Llewelyn, or even like Carson.

Carson locates the satchel but doesn’t fetch it. Chigurh appears and soon has a silenced shotgun pointed at Carson. Carson offers Chigurh $14,000. Carson knows where the satchel is. Chigurh says it will be brought to him and placed at his feet.

Carson offers Chigurh a deal. Chigurh says if Carson admitted his situation, there would be more dignity in it. The phone rings and Chigurh kills Carson. Chigurh tells Llewelyn he knows he’s in the hospital, but that’s not where he’s going. Llewelyn says he knows where Chigurh’s going, but she won’t be there.

Chigurh says if Llewelyn brings Chigurh the money, he’ll let Carla Jean go. He won’t tell Llewelyn he can save himself, because he can’t. Llewelyn says he’s making Chigurh a special project of his.

Llewelyn walks into survival store in overcoat and boots and buys everything else he needs. He retrieves the satchel and calls Carla Jean. He wants to meet her at the Desert Sands Motel in El Paso where he’ll give her the money and put her on a plane. After Llewelyn finds Chigurh, he’ll join Carla Jean.

Chigurh shoots in the neck the man who hired Carson. He says it’s foolish to increase the people looking to increase your chances of finding. You pick the one right tool.

Outside the Desert Sands, two men jump into a moving truck which speeds off. Tom arrives. A woman’s dead in the pool. Tom sees Llewelyn dead. When Carla Jean arrives, Tom respectfully removes his hat. She starts sobbing.

A friend of Tom’s says it’s all money and drugs. Once you quit hearing “Sir” and “Ma’am” the rest is soon to follow. Chigurh’s almost a ghost. He shoots a desk clerk one day, walks right back in the next and shoots a retired Army colonel.

Tom drives to a deserted shack and asks Ellis how he’s been. Ellis says Tom’s looking older. Tom says he is older. Ellis asks why Tom’s quitting. He says he feels overmatched.

Chigurh finds Carla Jean. He says her husband used her to try to save himself. Chigurh flips a coin in the air and traps it under his hand. She must call it. She says the coin has no say, it’s just him.

Chigurh drives away and into a road accident. Badly injured, Chigurh fashions a sling for his arm and offers a local boy a hundred dollar bill for his shirt.

Tom tells his wife he had two dreams. First dream he doesn’t remember. The second dream, Tom was on horseback in the mountains. There was snow on the ground. His father rode past up ahead. He was carrying fire in a horn. Tom knew that whenever he got there, his Dad would be there. And then, Tom woke up.

Starring Tommy Lee Jones. Javier Bardem. Josh Brolin. Rated 15. Dir Ethan Coen & Joel Cohen. Released in the UK 2007. Runtime 2hrs 2mins




Ad teaches & gives speeches on his MH struggle + recovery at institutions right across the world. (Movie Sushi pieces contain spoilers)